
Proofing Process (Only for Proofers)

The turnaround time for tickets in proofing is 48 hours after receipt. If you cannot meet the deadline, please reject the ticket by sending a ticket support or an email to landmarksupport@thelai.com. Turn off your availability when you have received enough minutes for proofing to avoid receiving more tickets.

⏰ Setting availability

To turn on or off your availability, just click on “Update Status” and select the option “Available” or “Not Available”. Click on “Update Status” to save changes.


Please review the transcript for:

  • Omitted Word: If a word is missing from the transcription, it counts as an "omitted word". For strict verbatim, also every utterance, all the ums and uhs, because that’s part of strict verbatim according to the guidelines.
  • Wrong Word: If the word is misspelled or it is not the word the speaker said, it counts as a wrong word.
  • Unintelligible: Always review all the editorial comments marked as "Unintelligible"

EXCEPTION: If the wrong word needs to be replaced by 2 words, it only counts as 1 wrong word. Example: She's "She is".


  • If a transcript is poorly transcribed, please send it back to be re-transcribed. DO NOT PROOF IT. Send a ticket support requesting for the ticket to be kicked back along with the notes about what needs to be fixed.
  • If any of the transcription instruction wasn’t followed by the transcriptionist and it’s not explicitly instructed to be fixed in the notes, do not proof and send the ticket back to be re-transcribed.
  • The average of minutes of proofing is the audio length. If a ticket might take double the audio minutes to be proofed, please contact Alejandra at alejandra@thelai.com in advance for approval.
  • Only tickets with the instruction: FULL PROOF. may take double (or more) the audio minutes and it’s not necessary to ask for approval in advance.
Any invoice that doesn’t follow these rules will not be paid.

Process for proofers:

Review the transcript instructions. These are the instructions that the transcriptionist had to follow.

*To download the formatting instructions PDF, just click on the purple button “Formatting PDF”.


You have to submit 2 files to the ticket after proofing:

  1. Redlined version which shows all changes made and comments for review.
  2. Final version. This is the clean and final transcript sent back to the client.
  • Please change to .doc if the transcript file was submitted as .docx (unless there's a specific note that the transcript has to be saved in .docx).
  • Do not add “REDLINED” and “FINAL” to the transcript name.

At the end, the ticket will contain 3 documents. The original, redlined, and final version.

After uploading the files, please fill out all the following fields:

  • Notes on this Transcript. Insert here your notes for the transcriptionist. Please indicate what was done correctly and what needs to be fixed in future transcripts. Also, you can provide the total number of unintelligible tags removed and/or the number of editorial comments inserted.
  • Minutes to Proof. Insert how many minutes you spent proofing the transcript.
  • Amount of Proofing Required. Select from the picklist the best option that inform about the amount of proofing that the transcript required.
  • Omitted Words. Total count of the omitted words by the transcriptionist. Keep in mind that in standard capture the following don’t count as omitted words: false starts (one to three words), stutters, repeated words and filler words.
  • Wrong Words. Total count of the wrong words typed by the transcriptionist.
  • Total Words Reviewed. Total count of proofed words.
  • Number of Words in Transcript. Total count of words in the transcript.

After uploading the redlined & final versions of the transcript, and filling out the metrics, please hit “Submit Transcript”.



Step-by-step guide

  1. Log into the portal
  2. Click the Invoices + in the menu from the left. (Make sure to click on the + sign).
  3. Select all the tickets you want to include in your invoice and click on Create Invoice. You can select a maximum of 20 tickets at once.
  4. To review the invoices you have created and the status of each one, click on Invoices (the text, not the + sign). A list of all the invoices created will shown.
  5. To download the invoice PDF, just select the payable name and click on “View Payable Details”. Then, just click on “View PDF Invoice” and download.

How to Auto-Generate Your Invoice - Landmark US