Submitting a Completed Transcript

There are two steps to delivering an assignment:

  1. uploading your file(s), and
  2. submitting the ticket.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Attach your transcript to the ticket by clicking on the "Upload Transcript" button
  2. Choose the file from the place it is saved on your computer
  3. Add notes, or skip this step to deliver without notes
  4. You will be directed back to the ticket page. Scroll down to the Transcripts section to make sure you have attached the right file. You may upload multiple transcripts to this section.
  5. When you're ready to deliver the ticket, click on the "Submit Transcript" button
  • If you see that the status of your ticket is In Progress, you have not submitted it yet. Open the ticket, make sure your transcript is attached, and click on "Submit."


Be aware of the ticket due date. We advise to submit the ticket before the due date. In case you submit it the same day,  please do before 4 pm MTS, so we get the chance to review it and send it back to the client and hence avoid overdue. THANKS!

*Only the Landmark team (reviewers and proofers) can view your notes; clients cannot see them.