Time Stamping

Time Stamping

Insert time stamps at the interval requested in the instructions on the exact minute (e.g. [05:00], [10:00], etc.)

  • If time-stamping is requested, start the file with a time stamp of [00:00] or [00:00:00] at the start of the text.
  • If the audio recording is  in duration, use [hh:mm:ss]
  • more than 60 minutes

  • If the audio recording is  in duration, use [mm:ss]
  • less than 60 minutes

  • Time stamps are flush to the left margin and placed in brackets. Do not italicize
  • For timestamps at the start and/or end of each response, it applies to all speakers, not only the respondent’s but the interviewer’s too. See example below.
  • To insert the timestamps below the speaker label, please insert the timestamp at the beginning of the second line. Then, move the cursor before the opening bracket of the timestamp and hit enter. These will remove the hanging indent and move the complete line to the left. Then, move the cursor after the closing bracket of the timestamp and click tab. This will move the text after the hanging indent.

đź—ŁTimestamp Scenarios

Here below are some examples of how to format time stamping depending on when the time interval occurs.
  • If the time occurs in between paragraphs, place the time stamp on its own line as shown:
  • If the time occurs in between speaker turns, place the time stamp on its own line in between the speaker labels with a line break above and below as shown:
  • If the time occurs mid-sentence, place the timestamp on the same line as the response on which it occurs as shown:
  • If the time occurs on or during the first or second line of the speaker’s response, place it as shown:
  • image
  • For timestamps at the start & end of each response, place them as shown:
  • For timestamps at the start of each response, place them right above the speaker labels as shown:
  • For single-speaker transcripts, insert timestamps in line with the text. E.g:
  • image
  • For timestamps at the start & end of each response using line numbering, place them as shown:
  • image
The client might ask for a special format for the timestamps. Follow the instructions detailed in the landmark notes section or the custom template instructions.